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We would like to announce that XXI International expert-scientific Conference on Railway RAILCON ’24 will be held on 10-11 October 2024 in Niš.

Organizing Committee
of the XXI Scientific-expert Conference on Railway RAILCON ’24

First call

Second call

Important dates

01.05.2024 Abstracts submission
15.05.2024 Notification of abstracts acceptance
01.07.2024 Print ready papers submission
01.10.2024 Participation submission

Dear Participants of RAILCON ’22

As organizers of RAILCON series of conferences, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to each of you who participated in jubilar XX Conference RAILCON ‘22 Conference in Niš, on October 13 – 14, 2022.

Over 140 persons from 58 organizations and 16 countries gave their time and resources to attend and to contribute. You made RAILCON ‘22 a success and it was a great pleasure to see so many of you there!

Hopefully you enjoyed both the scientific-expert part and the social programme and that you used the opportunity to extend your existing networks. We are sure that the cooperation with most of you will continue in the near future.

The Conference Proceedings can be downloaded below in this page. Images from the RAILCON’22 can be seen in Gallery section.

See you next time at XXI International Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways RAILCON’24.

Organizing Committee
of the XX Scientific-expert Conference on Railway RAILCON ’22

Current Proceedings